Wednesday, March 11, 2009


      Blogging really makes so much fun, you can express your thoughts, feelings, whatever you want to post! I really enjoyed it a lot! from the time that i registered to I really spend extra patience on waiting for the page to be appear on my computer's desktop.  I actually registered so many times because of errors on following instructions and error in typing the required CAPTCHA.,. even that happened, no one can stop me to have my own blogsite! after all the registration process, I decide to use the blog name SILENT ENVY, because it reflects on my personality, Im a silent person that no one can determine that im already in a great ENVY, well i know its a sin but that is actually me!  anyways, Id enjoy blogging because I am now be able to socialized others just like in friendster and facebook. I can customized my page and can add friends on my bloglist. 

     Actually, im just a beginner in blogging so i am currently exploring the beauty of blog as one of my social network, to all of you guys there, i am inviting you to join the club and be "IN " in the blogosphere were i belong!


etc friends

etc friends

etc party

etc party
happy together

hunks ng etc

hunks ng etc
the hearthrob